{English (United Kingdom)} TRM_HTMLLabel_books_filter_description.HTMLText = Filter by book name, author, publisher
and borrowed to. The lower/larger case
is optional. More information in the help. TRM_WatermarkEdit_books_filter.WaterMark = Enter filter word ... TRM_WatermarkEdit_books_filter.Hint = A single letter or a filter word can be entered here. CheckBox_books_Filter_Enabled.Caption = activate/deactivate filter CheckBox_books_Filter_Enabled.Hint = Switch on filter (only applied if at least one search word is specified) CheckBox_books_filter_author.Caption = Author CheckBox_books_filter_author.Hint = The filter is applied to the column (author). CheckBox_books_filter_borrow.Caption = Borrowed CheckBox_books_filter_borrow.Hint = The filter is applied to the column (Borrowed). CheckBox_books_filter_name.Caption = Name CheckBox_books_filter_name.Hint = The filter is applied to the column (name). CheckBox_books_filter_publisher.Caption = Publisher CheckBox_books_filter_publisher.Hint = The filter is applied to the column (publisher). CheckBox_books_filter_bigsmall.Caption = Case sensitive CheckBox_books_filter_bigsmall.Hint = When filtering the entries, upper and lower case is taken into account. CheckBox_books_filter_wholeword.Caption = Only find complete search text CheckBox_books_filter_wholeword.Hint = A match must exist as with the search word. Image_BiboData_Detail.Hint = Hash Panel_Holder_003_Image_Add.Caption = Add image ... Panel_Holder_003_Image_Add.Hint = An image can be added to the current entry. Panel_Holder_003_Image_Remove.Caption = Remove image Panel_Holder_003_Image_Remove.Hint = This image will be removed. Panel_Holder_003_Image_Edit.Caption = Replace image ... Panel_Holder_003_Image_Edit.Hint = The current image can be replaced with another image. Label_Caption_Rating.Caption = Rating Label_Caption_Rating.Hint = A rating of the current entry can be entered here. The rating ranges from 0 to 5. TRM_HTMLLabel_books_count.HTMLText = Data set: 1 [11] TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Filter_Show.LabelCaption = Filter TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Filter_Show.Hint = Entries can be filtered according to keywords TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Borrow.LabelCaption = Borrow TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Borrow.Hint = Borrow a book, details can be stored TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Retrieve.LabelCaption = Back TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Retrieve.Hint = Get a borrowed book back TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Print.LabelCaption = Print TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Print.Hint = Left mouse button: Print current view as a list, right mouse button: Open menu for further options TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_GoLast.LabelCaption = Last TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_GoLast.Hint = Jump to last entry TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_GoNext10.LabelCaption = 10 before TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_GoNext10.Hint = Left mouse button: jump forwards 10 entries, right mouse button: jump forwards 25 entries TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_GoPrev10.LabelCaption = 10 return TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_GoPrev10.Hint = Left mouse button: jump back 10 entries, right mouse button: jump back 25 entries TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_GoFirst.LabelCaption = First TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_GoFirst.Hint = Jump to first entry CheckBox_Setup_addauthor_clearfields.Caption = Empty fields automatically CheckBox_Setup_addauthor_clearfields.Hint = The input fields are automatically cleared after changes. CheckBox_Setup_addauthor_AutoSizeWidth.Caption = Automatic width of the columns CheckBox_Setup_addauthor_AutoSizeWidth.Hint = The column width is automatically adjusted according to the entries. CheckBox_Setup_addauthor_DrawColor.Caption = Set row colour (2 colours) CheckBox_Setup_addauthor_DrawColor.Hint = The table rows are displayed in colour. Label_Setup_addauthor_DataGridBackGroundA.Caption = row colour 1 Label_Setup_addauthor_DataGridBackGroundB.Caption = row colour 2 Checkbox_Setup_addauthor_EigenerFont.Caption = Use own fonts Checkbox_Setup_addauthor_EigenerFont.Hint = Different fonts, font sizes and other options can be set for the individual columns. Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_ID.Caption = Field: ID - Alignment Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_ID.Hint = The text alignment for the "Number" field can be defined here. Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_ID.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_ID.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_LastName.Caption = Field: LastName - Alignment Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_LastName.Hint = The text alignment for the "LastName" field can be defined here. Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_LastName.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_LastName.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_BirthDate.Caption = Field: Date of birth - Alignment Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_BirthDate.Hint = The text alignment for the "Date of birth" field can be defined here. Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_BirthDate.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_BirthDate.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_Remarks.Caption = Field: Remarks - Alignment Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_Remarks.Hint = The text alignment for the "Remarks" field can be defined here. Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_Remarks.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_Remarks.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_URL.Caption = Field: URL - Alignment Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_URL.Hint = The text alignment for the "URL" field can be defined here. Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_URL.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_URL.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_FirstName.Caption = Field: First name - Alignment Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_FirstName.Hint = The text alignment for the "First name" field can be defined here. Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_FirstName.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_FirstName.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_DeathDate.Caption = Field: Date of death - Alignment Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_DeathDate.Hint = The text alignment for the "Date of death" field can be defined here. Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_DeathDate.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_DeathDate.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_BirthPlace.Caption = Field: Place of birth - Alignment Label_Setup_addauthor_TextAlignment_BirthPlace.Hint = The text alignment for the "Place of birth" field can be defined here. Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_BirthPlace.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_addauthor_BirthPlace.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_DataGridBackGroundA.Caption = row colour 1 Label_Setup_DataGridBackGroundA.Hint = This is one of the two row colours. Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_BookID.Caption = Field: Number - Text alignment Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_BookID.Hint = The text alignment for the "Number" field can be defined here. Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_BookID.Caption = Apply to all Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_BookID.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_BookName.Caption = Field: Book title - text alignment Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_BookName.Hint = The text alignment for the "Book name" field can be defined here. Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_BookName.Caption = Apply to all Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_PublishDate.Caption = Field: Year of publication - text alignment Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_PublishDate.Hint = The text alignment for the "Number" field can be defined here. Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_PublishDate.Caption = Apply to all Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_PublishDate.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_Price.Caption = Field: Price - Text alignment Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_Price.Hint = The text alignment for the "Price" field can be defined here. Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_Price.Caption = Apply to all Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_Price.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_Regal.Caption = Field: Shelf - text alignment Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_Regal.Hint = The text alignment for the "Shelf" field can be defined here. Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_Regal.Caption = Apply to all Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_Regal.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_RegalFach.Caption = Field: Shelf - Text alignment Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_RegalFach.Hint = The text alignment for the "Shelf" field can be defined here. Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_RegalFach.Caption = Apply to all Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_RegalFach.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_BorrowTo.Caption = Field: Lent to - Text alignment Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_BorrowTo.Hint = The text alignment for the "Borrowed to" field can be defined here. Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_BorrowTo.Caption = Apply to all Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_BorrowTo.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_BorrowDate.Caption = Field: Borrowing date - text alignment Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_BorrowDate.Hint = The text alignment for the "Borrow date" field can be defined here. Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_BorrowDate.Caption = Apply to all Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_BorrowDate.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. CheckBox_Setup_AutoSizeWidth.Caption = Automatically adjust input grid cells to the font width CheckBox_Setup_AutoSizeWidth.Hint = Automatically adjust input grid cells to the font width CheckBox_Setup_DrawColor.Caption = Colour the lines of the input grids alternately CheckBox_Setup_DrawColor.Hint = Colour the lines of the input grids alternately CheckBox_DBGrid_Bibo_EigenerFont.Caption = Customisation of the individual table columns CheckBox_DBGrid_Bibo_EigenerFont.Hint = Different fonts, font sizes and other options can be set for the individual columns. Label_Setup_DataGridBackGroundB.Caption = row colour 2 Label_Setup_DataGridBackGroundB.Hint = This is the other of the two row colours. Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_Author.Caption = Field: Author - Text alignment Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_Author.Caption = Apply to all Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_Publisher.Caption = Field: Publisher - Text alignment Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_Publisher.Caption = Apply to all Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_Thumbnail.Caption = Field: Preview image - text alignment Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_Thumbnail.Caption = Apply to all Label_Font_Setup_DataGrid_TextAlignment_Description.Caption = Field: Description - Text alignment Button_Font_Setup_DataGrid_Description.Caption = Apply to all CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailImage.Caption = Show detail image CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailImage.Hint = The detail image can be shown or hidden as required. This affects navigation when large images need to be read from the database. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText.Caption = Show detail text CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText.Hint = The detail text is always displayed or hidden. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailMemo.Caption = Show detail text summary CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailMemo.Hint = The detail text can be displayed or hidden. Long texts increase the delay when navigating. Label_Setup_Detail_TextBackGroundA.Caption = Line colour odd lines Label_Setup_Detail_TextBackGroundA.Hint = Line colour 1 Label_Setup_Detail_TextBackGroundB.Caption = Line colour even lines Label_Setup_Detail_TextBackGroundB.Hint = Line colour 2 Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_ID.Caption = Text alignment: ID/Number Button_Setup_Font_Detail_ID.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_ID.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_ID.Caption = Font colour for identifier: ID/Number TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_ID.Hint = The width for the "Number" field is adjusted to the font size. Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_BookName.Caption = Text alignment: Book name Button_Setup_Font_Detail_BookName.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_BookName.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_BookName.Caption = Font colour for identifier: book name TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_BookName.Hint = The width for the "Book name" field is adjusted to the font size. Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_Price.Caption = Text alignment: Price Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Price.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Price.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Price.Caption = Font colour for identifier: Price TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Price.Hint = The width for the "Price" field is adjusted to the font size. Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_Author.Caption = Text alignment: Author Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Author.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Author.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Author.Caption = Font colour for identifier: Author TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Author.Hint = The width for the "Author" field is adjusted to the font size. Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_Publisher.Caption = Text alignment: Publisher Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Publisher.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Publisher.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Publisher.Caption = Font colour for identifier: Publisher TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Publisher.Hint = The width for the "Publisher" field is adjusted to the font size. Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_PublishDate.Caption = Text alignment: Year of publication Button_Setup_Font_Detail_PublishDate.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_PublishDate.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_PublishDate.Caption = Font colour for identifier: Year of publication TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_PublishDate.Hint = The width for the "Publication date" field is adjusted to the font size. Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_BorrowTo.Caption = Text alignment: Borrowed AN Button_Setup_Font_Detail_BorrowTo.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_BorrowTo.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_BorrowTo.Caption = Font colour for identifier: Borrowed AN TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_BorrowTo.Hint = The width for the "Borrowed to" field is adjusted to the font size. Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_BorrowDate.Caption = Text alignment: Borrowing date Button_Setup_Font_Detail_BorrowDate.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_BorrowDate.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_BorrowDate.Caption = Font colour for identifier: Borrowing date TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_BorrowDate.Hint = The width for the "Borrowing date" field is adjusted to the font size. Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_Thumbnail.Caption = Text alignment: Book image Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Thumbnail.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Thumbnail.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Thumbnail.Caption = Font colour for identifier: book image TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Thumbnail.Hint = The width for the "Preview image" field is adjusted to the font size. Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_Description.Caption = Text alignment: Description Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Description.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Description.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Description.Caption = Font colour for identifier: Description TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Description.Hint = The width for the "Description" field is adjusted to the font size. Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_Regal.Caption = Text alignment: Shelf Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Regal.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Regal.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Regal.Caption = Font colour for identifier: Shelf TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Regal.Hint = The width for the "Shelf" field is adjusted to the font size. Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_RegalFach.Caption = Text alignment: shelf compartment Button_Setup_Font_Detail_RegalFach.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_RegalFach.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_RegalFach.Caption = Font colour for identifier: Shelf compartment TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_RegalFach.Hint = The width for the "Shelf" field is adjusted to the font size. CheckBox_Setup_ColorLines.Caption = Set line colours for detail text CheckBox_Setup_ColorLines.Hint = Set line colours for detail text CheckBox_Setup_Details_Font.Caption = Detailed view: font, colour and style CheckBox_Setup_Details_Font.Hint = Detailed view: font, colour and style CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_shelf.Caption = Detail text -> 'Show shelf'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_shelf.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show shelf'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_shelf.Caption = Detail text -> 'Show shelf CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_shelf.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show shelf'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_description.Caption = Detail text -> 'Show description'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_description.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show description'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_thumbnail.Caption = Detail text -> 'Show thumbnail'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_thumbnail.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show thumbnail'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_borrow_to.Caption = Detail text -> 'Show borrowed to`. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_borrow_to.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show borrowed to`. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_borrow_date.Caption = Detail text -> 'Show borrowing date'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_borrow_date.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show borrowing date'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_ID.Caption = Detail text -> 'Show database number'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_ID.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show database number'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_name.Caption = Detail text -> 'Show book name' CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_name.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show book name' CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_publishdate.Caption = Detail text -> 'Show publication date'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_publishdate.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show publication date'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_price.Caption = Detail text -> 'Show price'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_price.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show price'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_author.Caption = Detail text -> 'Show author'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_author.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show author CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_publisher.Caption = Detailed text -> 'Show publisher'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_publisher.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show publisher'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailRating.Caption = Show rating CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailRating.Hint = The rating can be displayed or hidden as required. This means that a rating can no longer be assigned. Label_Setup_Font_Alignment_Detail_Rating.Caption = Text alignment: Rating Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Rating.Caption = Apply to all Button_Setup_Font_Detail_Rating.Hint = All settings made here are transferred to the other elements. Label_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Rating.Caption = Font colour for identifier: Rating TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_Setup_Font_Detail_Bezeichner_Rating.Hint = The width for the "Rating" field is adjusted to the font size. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_rating.Caption = Detail text -> 'Show rating'. CheckBox_Setup_ShowDetailText_book_rating.Hint = Detail text -> 'Show rating'. Label_Setup_language.Caption = Select language: Label_Setup_language.Hint = A new language can be selected here. It is not necessary to restart the programme. CheckBox_Setup_NoQuestion_Overwrite.Caption = No queries for overwrite options CheckBox_Setup_NoQuestion_Overwrite.Hint = For some overwrite options (e.g. overwrite entries in the database), queries and notes are not displayed. CheckBox_Setup_NoQuestions.Caption = No queries (see help) CheckBox_Setup_NoQuestions.Hint = Queries and notes that may be important but are not critical are not displayed. CheckBox_Setup_LessQuestions.Caption = Fewer queries for certain actions CheckBox_Setup_LessQuestions.Hint = Queries and hints, which are mostly of an informal nature, are suppressed. CheckBox_Setup_ShowSplash.Caption = Show welcome screen (splash screen) when programme starts CheckBox_Setup_ShowSplash.Hint = The welcome screen (splash screen) displays some information about the programme start. CheckBox_Setup_SaveonExit.Caption = Save settings on exit CheckBox_Setup_SaveonExit.Hint = All relevant settings are saved at the end of the programme. CheckBox_Setup_MauszeigerTipps.Caption = Mouse pointer tips CheckBox_Setup_MauszeigerTipps.Hint = This can be used to activate or deactivate the mouse pointer tips. CheckBox_Setup_ShowVersionInCaption.Caption = Show version information in the programme title CheckBox_Setup_ShowVersionInCaption.Hint = The current programme version is displayed in the programme title. CheckBox_Setup_MessageBox_AutoHide.Caption = Automatically close message window CheckBox_Setup_MessageBox_AutoHide.Hint = Hint windows are closed automatically. Label_Setup_MouseInfo_ShowTime.Caption = Display time for mouse pointer tips (milliseconds) Label_Setup_MouseInfo_ShowTime.Hint = The display duration for mouse pointer tips can be defined here in milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second). Label_Setup_MessageBox_AutoHide.Caption = Seconds until a message window is closed Label_Setup_MessageBox_AutoHide.Hint = The display duration in seconds until a message box is closed. TRM_HTMLLabel_Setup_Language.HTMLText = Apply language TRM_HTMLLabel_Setup_Language.Hint = This button can be used to adopt the new language for the programme. CheckBox_Setup_HoverNavigation.Caption = Display navigation discreetly CheckBox_Setup_HoverNavigation.Hint = The navigation is displayed more discreetly: the colours are reduced. CheckBox_Setup_FastRetrieve.Caption = Quickly retrieve lost books CheckBox_Setup_FastRetrieve.Hint = Books in circulation can be quickly retrieved with a simple click. Alternatively, a dialogue box is displayed. CheckBox_Setup_NoQuestions_inSetup.Caption = No questions in setup CheckBox_Setup_NoQuestions_inSetup.Hint = No questions are displayed in the setup (e.g. when transferring settings to other elements). CheckBox_Setup_NoMessages_inSetup.Caption = No messages in the setup CheckBox_Setup_NoMessages_inSetup.Hint = No messages are displayed in the setup (e.g. after saving the settings). CheckBox_Setup_Print_EndlessHeight.Caption = Endless print (e.g. PDF) CheckBox_Setup_Print_EndlessHeight.Hint = Endless print is useful to create a list without interruption or paragraphs. Label_Setup_PDFProtectionFlags.Caption = Security features Label_Setup_PDFGeneral.Caption = Specify PDF information Label_Setup_PDFViewerTab.Caption = View settings when opening the PDF files Label_Setup_PDFPreferences.Caption = Settings for the creation of the PDF file Label_Setup_PDFUserPasswordCaption.Caption = Default password for opening a PDF document Label_Setup_PDFOwnerPasswordCaption.Caption = Default password for changing a PDF document CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_ShowDialog.Caption = Always show settings dialogue CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_ShowDialog.Hint = The settings dialogue is always displayed. This means that the settings can be called up before saving. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_PrintScaling.Caption = The scaling of the PDF document is taken into account when printing. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_CenterWindow.Caption = The document is displayed centred when opened. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_FitWindow.Caption = The document is adapted to the window. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_HideWindowUI.Caption = The user interface of the window can be hidden when the PDF document is opened. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_HideMenubar.Caption = The menu bar can be hidden when the PDF document is opened. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_HideToolbar.Caption = The toolbar can be hidden when the PDF document is opened. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_PF_eAnnot.Caption = Allow adding or changing text notes CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_PF_eAnnot.Hint = Allow adding or changing text notes? CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_PF_eCopy.Caption = Allow copying of content CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_PF_eCopy.Hint = Allow copying of content? CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_PF_eModify.Caption = Allow modification of the PDF file CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_PF_eModify.Hint = Allow modification of the PDF file? CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_PF_ePrint.Caption = Allow printing of the PDF file CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_PF_ePrint.Hint = Allow printing of the PDF file? CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_Transparency.Caption = Include transparent graphics CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_Transparency.Hint = Graphics can be integrated transparently. This eliminates any existing background (single colour). CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_Outline.Caption = Create table of contents CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_Outline.Hint = A table of contents can be created automatically. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_PrintOptimized.Caption = Save optimised for a printout CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_PrintOptimized.Hint = The PDF file can be saved optimised for printing. Among other things, this influences the file size. Otherwise, the optimisation is used for the display. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_Background.Caption = Insert background image CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_Background.Hint = A background image can be inserted. This is often used as a watermark. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_EmbeddedFonts.Caption = Include fonts in the PDF file CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_EmbeddedFonts.Hint = If fonts are to be included in the PDF file, this option is important as fonts are not available on every system. It can be ensured that the display is the same everywhere. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_Compressed.Caption = Activate compression CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_Compressed.Hint = The compression for images can be activated. Among other things, this determines the file size. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_OpenAfterExport.Caption = Open PDF after completion CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_OpenAfterExport.Hint = If the PDF is to be opened after completion (if a corresponding programme for PDF files is stored in the system), this option can be selected. CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_ShowProgress.Caption = Show progress when creating the PDF file CheckBox_Setup_PDFExport_ShowProgress.Hint = A progress is displayed when the PDF file is created. TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFTitle.WaterMark = Title of the PDF files (Title) TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFTitle.Hint = The title of the PDF files to be created is entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFProducer.WaterMark = Document producer of the PDF file (Producer) TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFProducer.Hint = The document producer of the PDF files to be created is entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFCreator.WaterMark = Creator of the PDF file (Creator) TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFCreator.Hint = The creator of the PDF files to be created is entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFKeywords.WaterMark = Keywords for the PDF file (keywords) TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFKeywords.Hint = Keywords of the PDF files to be created are entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFSubject.WaterMark = Subject for the PDF file (Subject) TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFSubject.Hint = The subject of the PDF files to be created is entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFAuthor.WaterMark = Author of the PDF files (Author) TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFAuthor.Hint = The author of the PDF files to be created is entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFUserPassword.WaterMark = Enter default password to open the PDF document TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFUserPassword.Hint = A default password for opening the PDF document can be entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFOwnerPassword.WaterMark = Enter default password for changing a PDF document TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFOwnerPassword.Hint = A default password for changing the PDF document can be entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFExport_BackgroundChoose.WaterMark = The path and file name for the background image appears here TRM_WatermarkEdit_Setup_PDFExport_BackgroundChoose.Hint = The path and file name of the currently selected background image appears here. Panel_Setup_PDFExport_BackgroundChoose.Caption = ... Panel_Setup_PDFExport_BackgroundChoose.Hint = Please click here to select a new image. Not all file formats are supported! Panel_Setup_PDFExport_BackgroundClear.Caption = Delete image Panel_Setup_PDFExport_BackgroundClear.Hint = The image is deleted. Label1.Caption = Text alignment vertical Label2.Caption = Text alignment horizontal Label_Setup_MenuItemBackLines.Caption = Background colour of the menu separator lines Label_Setup_MenuItemBackLines.Hint = Defines the background colour of the separator lines in the mouse menus. Label_Setup_MenuItemFontLines.Caption = Colour of the menu separator lines Label_Setup_MenuItemFontLines.Hint = Defines the colour of the separator lines in the mouse menus. Label_Setup_MenuItemFontColorSelected.Caption = font colour of all mouse menus when the mouse pointer slides over them Label_Setup_MenuItemFontColorSelected.Hint = Determines the font colour when the mouse pointer hovers over menu items. Label_Setup_MenuItemBackColorSelected.Caption = Background colour of all mouse menus when the mouse pointer glides over them Label_Setup_MenuItemBackColorSelected.Hint = Determines the background colour when the mouse pointer hovers over menu items. Label_Setup_MenuItemFontColorChecked.Caption = Font colour of all mouse menus in the selected state Label_Setup_MenuItemFontColorChecked.Hint = Defines the font colour for all selected entries in the mouse menus. Label_Setup_MenuItemBackColorChecked.Caption = Background colour of all mouse menus in the selected state Label_Setup_MenuItemBackColorChecked.Hint = Defines the background colour for all selected entries in the mouse menus. Label_Setup_MenuItemFontColor.Caption = font colour of all mouse menus Label_Setup_MenuItemFontColor.Hint = Determines the font colour for all mouse menus. Label_Setup_MenuItemBackColor.Caption = Background colour of all mouse menus Label_Setup_MenuItemBackColor.Hint = Determines the background colour for all mouse menus. Label_Setup_MenuItemFontColorHead.Caption = Font colour of the heading of all mouse menus Label_Setup_MenuItemFontColorHead.Hint = Defines the font colour of the headings in all mouse menus. Label_Setup_MenuItemBackColorHead.Caption = Background colour of the heading of all mouse menus Label_Setup_MenuItemBackColorHead.Hint = Defines the background colour of the headings in all mouse menus. CheckBox_Setup_MenuItemColors.Caption = Use coloured mouse menus CheckBox_Setup_MenuItemColors.Hint = This option activates the option to use coloured menus for individual visibility and easier navigation. Panel_Testfield.Caption = Test field for mouse menu CheckBox_Setup_Menu_Dividers.Caption = Dividers CheckBox_Setup_Menu_Dividers.Hint = Activate this option to display dividers in the mouse menus. CheckBox_Setup_Menu_UnderlinedLetters.Caption = Underlined letters CheckBox_Setup_Menu_UnderlinedLetters.Hint = Activate this option to underline letters in the menu items. CheckBox_Setup_Menu_RundeEcken.Caption = Round corners of the selected menu items CheckBox_Setup_Menu_RoundCorners.Hint = Activate this option to give the selected menu items round corners. RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TrennlinienStil_06.Caption = Line long dashed RadioButton_Setup_Menu_DividerStyle_06.Hint = Select this style for long dashed dividers in the mouse menus. RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TrennlinienStil_05.Caption = Single point RadioButton_Setup_Menu_DividerStyle_05.Hint = Select this style for individual points as dividers in the mouse menus. RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TrennlinienStil_04.Caption = Single dash RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TrennlinienStil_04.Hint = Select this style for individual lines as separators in the mouse menus. RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TrennlinienStil_01.Caption = solid line RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TrennlinienStil_01.Hint = Select this style for solid separator lines in the mouse menus. RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TrennlinienStil_02.Caption = Dashed line RadioButton_Setup_Menu_DividerStyle_02.Hint = Select this style for dashed dividers in the mouse menus. RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TrennlinienStil_03.Caption = dotted line RadioButton_Setup_Menu_DividerStyle_03.Hint = Select this style for dotted dividers in the mouse menus. RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TextVertical_01.Caption = Top RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TextVertical_01.Hint = Positions the text of the menu items at the top edge. RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TextVertical_02.Caption = centre RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TextVertical_02.Hint = Positions the text of the menu items in the centre. RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TextVertical_03.Caption = Bottom RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TextVertical_03.Hint = Positions the text of the menu items at the bottom edge. RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TextHorizontal_01.Caption = Left RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TextHorizontal_01.Hint = Aligns the text of the menu items to the left. RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TextHorizontal_02.Caption = Centre RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TextHorizontal_02.Hint = Aligns the text of the menu items in the centre. RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TextHorizontal_03.Caption = Right RadioButton_Setup_Menu_TextHorizontal_03.Hint = Aligns the text of the menu items right-aligned. Label37.Caption = Thickness of the menu separator lines Label38.Caption = Inside distance of the selected menu item CheckBox_Setup_Menu_ItemLines_Shadow.Caption = Separator with shadow CheckBox_Setup_Menu_ItemLines_Shadow.Hint = Activate this option to give the separator lines in the mouse menus a shadow effect. Panel_Setup_Menus_Font.Caption = Comic Sans MS [10] Panel_Setup_Menus_Font.Hint = Shows the current font and size used in the mouse menus. TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V4.LabelCaption = Schema: Green TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V4.Hint = The "Green" scheme is selected for all mouse pointer menus. TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V3.LabelCaption = Schema: Red TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V3.Hint = The "Red" scheme is selected for all mouse pointer menus. TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V2.LabelCaption = Scheme: Blue TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V2.Hint = The "Blue" scheme is selected for all mouse pointer menus. TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V1.LabelCaption = Schema: Gold TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V1.Hint = The "Gold" scheme is selected for all mouse pointer menus. TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V8.LabelCaption = Schema: System TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V8.Hint = The "System default" scheme is selected for all mouse pointer menus. TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V7.LabelCaption = Scheme: Grey TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V7.Hint = The "Grey" scheme is selected for all mouse pointer menus. TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V6.LabelCaption = Schema: Olive TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V6.Hint = The "Olive" scheme is selected for all mouse pointer menus. TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V5.LabelCaption = Scheme: Yellow TRM_ImageLabel_MausMenu_V5.Hint = The "Yellow" scheme is selected for all mouse pointer menus. Panel_setup_standard.Caption = Default settings Panel_setup_standard.Hint = The default settings are read in. Panel_setup_load.Caption = Reload settings Panel_setup_load.Hint = Reload settings Panel_setup_save.Caption = Save settings Panel_setup_save.Hint = Save settings Panel_Caption_setup.Caption = - Settings - TRM_ImageLabel_Setup_NAV_General.LabelCaption = General TRM_ImageLabel_Setup_NAV_General.Hint = General TRM_ImageLabel_Setup_NAV_Menus.LabelCaption = Appearance: Menus TRM_ImageLabel_Setup_NAV_Menus.Hint = Appearance: Menus TRM_ImageLabel_Setup_NAV_Detail.LabelCaption = Appearance: Details TRM_ImageLabel_Setup_NAV_Detail.Hint = Settings for the detailed view in the book list. TRM_ImageLabel_Setup_NAV_Print.LabelCaption = Customisation: Expression TRM_ImageLabel_Setup_NAV_Print.Hint = Customisation: Printout TRM_ImageLabel_Setup_NAV_Author.LabelCaption = Appearance: Author TRM_ImageLabel_Setup_NAV_Author.Hint = Settings for the management of authors. TRM_ImageLabel_Setup_NAV_FontAndColor.LabelCaption = Appearance: Books TRM_ImageLabel_Setup_NAV_FontAndColor.Hint = Customisation for the main view Image_downloadLink_epub.Hint = Open ePUP link in standard browser. Panel_addbook_caption_downloadLink_epub.Caption = ePUB Download Image_downloadLink_pdf.Hint = Open PDF link in standard browser. Panel_addbook_caption_downloadLink_pdf.Caption = PDF Download Image_webreaderLink.Hint = Open WebReader link in standard browser. Panel_addbook_caption_webReaderLink.Caption = WebReader link Image_addbook_caption_PreviewLink.Hint = Open preview link in standard browser. Panel_addbook_caption_PreviewLink.Caption = Preview link Panel_AddBook_ISBN_Count.Caption = Number of entries found: 0/0 [available entries: 0] Panel_addbook_image_addedit.Caption = Add image ... Panel_addbook_image_addedit.Hint = Add an image to the current search entry. Panel_addbook_image_remove.Caption = Delete image Panel_addbook_image_remove.Hint = Delete this image. This will not add it to the database. Panel_addbook_image_download.caption = Download image Panel_addbook_image_download.Hint = The image is downloaded from the Internet. Panel_addbook_caption_wwwlookup.caption = ISBN or keyword Panel_addbook_wwwlookup_start.caption = Search Panel_addbook_wwwlookup_start.Hint = The search is started here. Panel_addbook_wwwlookup_stop.caption = cancellation Panel_addbook_wwwlookup_stop.Hint = The current search can be cancelled here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup_language.WaterMark = Language TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup_language.Hint = The language can be specified here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup_category.WaterMark = Category TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup_category.Hint = A category for the online search can be entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup_publisher.WaterMark = Publisher TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup_publisher.Hint = The search for publishers leads to an incredible number of search results. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup_author.WaterMark = Author TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup_author.Hint = The search for an author leads to different results. Common (partial) names lead to an increased number of search results. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup_title.WaterMark = Title TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup_title.Hint = The more meaningful the title, the better the search results will be. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup.WaterMark = Search term (general) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup.Hint = A general search term, without a specific category, can be entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup_isbn.WaterMark = ISBN TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_wwwlookup_isbn.Hint = A (valid) ISBN should be entered here as a keyword. If only part of an ISBN is entered, more entries will be found. Label_SpinEdit_Setup_ISBNApiWWW.Caption = Number of entries found Label_SpinEdit_Setup_ISBNApiWWW.Hint = The number of entries found can be defined here. CheckBox_SearchFilter_webreader.Caption = Only show webreader links CheckBox_SearchFilter_webreader.Hint = Only entries that contain a web reader link are taken into account for the online search. CheckBox_SearchFilter_epub.Caption = Show ePUB only CheckBox_SearchFilter_epub.Hint = When searching online, only entries that contain an ePUP link are taken into account. CheckBox_SearchFilter_pdf.Caption = Show PDF only CheckBox_SearchFilter_pdf.Hint = When searching online, only entries that contain a PDF link are taken into account. CheckBox_addbook_clearfields.Caption = Empty fields automatically CheckBox_addbook_clearfields.Hint = All fields are cleared after being added to the database. CheckBox_Setup_ISBNAutoGet.Caption = Start search on input CheckBox_Setup_ISBNAutoGet.Hint = The online search is started automatically while the search words are being entered (after a few seconds). CheckBox_Setup_NeverLoadImage.Caption = Do not load images automatically CheckBox_Setup_NeverLoadImage.Hint = The images are not loaded automatically when an entry is selected. CheckBox_SearchFilter_preview.Caption = Show preview links only CheckBox_SearchFilter_preview.Hint = When searching online, only entries that contain a preview link are taken into account. CheckBox_SearchFilter_google_author.Caption = Google - Authors CheckBox_SearchFilter_google_author.Hint = The Google search for AUTHOR is switched on. CheckBox_SearchFilter_google_isbn.Caption = Google - ISBN CheckBox_SearchFilter_google_isbn.Hint = The Google search for ISBN is switched on. CheckBox_SearchFilter_google_category.Caption = Google - Categories CheckBox_SearchFilter_google_category.Hint = The Google search for CATEGORY is switched on. CheckBox_SearchFilter_google_language.Caption = Google - Languages CheckBox_SearchFilter_google_language.Hint = The google search for LANGUAGE is switched on. CheckBox_SearchFilter_google_publisher.Caption = Google - Publishers CheckBox_SearchFilter_google_publisher.Hint = The Google search for PUBLISHER is switched on. CheckBox_SearchFilter_google_title.Caption = Google - Title CheckBox_SearchFilter_google_title.Hint = The Google search for TITLE is switched on. RadioButton_SearchFilter_google.Caption = Activate Google RadioButton_SearchFilter_google.Hint = The Google search is activated Panel_addbook_caption_author.Caption = Author Panel_addbook_caption_shelf.caption = Shelf Panel_addbook_caption_publishdate.Caption = Year of publication Panel_addbook_caption_price.Caption = Price Panel_addbook_caption_publisher.Caption = Publisher Panel_addbook_caption_regal.Caption = Bookshelf Panel_addbook_caption_title.Caption = Book title Panel_addbook_addauthor_db.Caption = Add author Panel_addbook_addauthor_db.Hint = An author can be added. Panel_addbook_addshelf_db.Caption = Add shelf Panel_addbook_addshelf_db.Hint = Add a new shelf Panel_addbook_addpublisher_db.Caption = Add publisher Panel_addbook_addpublisher_db.Hint = A publisher can be added. Panel_addbook_addregal_db.Caption = Add bookshelf Panel_addbook_addregal_db.Hint = Add a new bookshelf. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_title.WaterMark = Title of the book ... TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_title.Hint = The book title (name of the book) is entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_publishdate.WaterMark = Publication date ... TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_publishdate.Hint = The date of the year of publication can be entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_price.WaterMark = Book price ... TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbook_price.Hint = A price for the book can be stored here. Panel_addbook_save.Caption = Save book Panel_addbook_save.Hint = Save the currently selected search result in the database. Panel_addbook_clearfields.Caption = Clear all fields Panel_addbook_clearfields.Hint = All fields are cleared after being added to the database. Panel_addbook_updatecancel.Caption = Cancel update Panel_addbook_updatecancel.Hint = No change will be made to the current entry. Panel_addbook_update.Caption = Update entry Panel_addbook_update.Hint = The current entry in the database is updated with the search result. Panel_Caption_addbook.Caption = - Add books - Panel_Caption_editbook.Caption = - Edit book - Panel_editbook_save.Caption = Save book Panel_editbook_save.Hint = The currently selected book is updated with the new data. SpeedButton_editbook_image_remove.Caption = Remove image SpeedButton_editbook_image_remove.Hint = The current image can be removed with this. SpeedButton_editbook_image_add.Caption = Add image ... SpeedButton_editbook_image_add.Hint = An image can be added to the book. SpeedButton_editbook_image_edit.Caption = Replace image ... SpeedButton_editbook_image_edit.Hint = The current image can be replaced. Panel_editbook_caption_author.Caption = Author Panel_editbook_caption_shelf.caption = Shelf Panel_editbook_caption_publishdate.Caption = Year of publication Panel_editbook_caption_price.Caption = Price Panel_editbook_caption_publisher.Caption = Publisher Panel_editbook_caption_regal.Caption = Bookshelf Panel_editbook_ID.Caption = Panel_editbook_ID TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_bookname.WaterMark = name of the book TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_bookname.Hint = There must be an entry here so that the book can be saved. TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_publisher.WaterMark = Publisher: Name TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_publisher.Hint = The name of the publisher can be entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_publishdate.WaterMark = Published on ... TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_publishdate.Hint = The date of publication can be stored here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_price.WaterMark = Price TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_price.Hint = A price can be entered here. The currency does not matter, but should preferably be entered if it is relevant. TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_regal.WaterMark = Designation: Shelf TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_regal.Hint = The name of the shelf on which the book is stored. TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_shelf.WaterMark = Designation: Shelf TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_shelf.Hint = The shelf can be entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_author_firstname.WaterMark = Author: First name TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_author_firstname.Hint = The first name of the author can be entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_author_lastname.WaterMark = Author: Surname TRM_WatermarkEdit_editbook_author_lastname.Hint = The author's (surname) must be entered here. Panel_editbook_caption_bookname.Caption = Book title Panel_addauthor_deathdate.Caption = Author: Date of death (DD.MM.YYYY) Panel_addauthor_birthplace.Caption = Author: Place of birth Panel_addauthor_birthdate.Caption = Author: Date of birth (DD.MM.YYYY) Panel_addauthor_firstname.Caption = Author: First name Panel_addauthor_lastname.Caption = Author: Surname TRM_WatermarkEdit_addauthor_lastname.WaterMark = Author: Surname TRM_WatermarkEdit_addauthor_lastname.Hint = The author's surname should be entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addauthor_birthdate.WaterMark = Author: Date of birth (DD.MM.YYYY) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addauthor_birthdate.Hint = The author's date of birth in the format (DAY.MONTH.YEAR) could be entered here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addauthor_firstname.WaterMark = Author: First name TRM_WatermarkEdit_addauthor_firstname.Hint = The first name of the author is stored here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addauthor_birthplace.WaterMark = Author: Place of birth TRM_WatermarkEdit_addauthor_birthplace.Hint = The author's place of birth is stored here. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addauthor_deathdate.WaterMark = Author: Date of death (DD.MM.YYYY) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addauthor_deathdate.Hint = In this case, the date of death can be entered here in the format (DAY.MONTH.YEAR). Panel_addauthor_remarks.Caption = Author: Notes Panel_addauthor_url.Caption = Author: Website TRM_WatermarkEdit_addauthor_url.WaterMark = Author: Website TRM_WatermarkEdit_addauthor_url.Hint = A web page concerning the author can be entered here. Panel_addauthor_save.Caption = Add / change author Panel_addauthor_save.Hint = Add (or update) the new author to the database. Panel_addauthor_update.caption = Change author now Panel_addauthor_update.Hint = Update the selected author with the new data now. Panel_addauthor_updatecancel.Caption = Cancel update Panel_addauthor_updatecancel.Hint = No author is updated, changes are possible again. Panel_addauthor_clearfields.Caption = Empty fields Panel_addauthor_clearfields.Hint = All input fields are deleted, this serves to prepare a new entry. Panel_addauthor_emptytable.Caption = Delete authors Panel_addauthor_emptytable.Hint = All authors are deleted from the database. This action cannot be undone, except by backing up the database. Panel_addauthor_standard.caption = Read in authors ... Panel_addauthor_standard.Hint = A predefined list (as of 2024) of authors is read into the database. Panel_Caption_addeditAuthor.Caption = - Add and edit author - TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_AuthorFilter_CompleteText.Caption = Entire filter TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_AuthorFilter_CompleteText.Hint = The keyword is searched for as entered. If this option is not selected, all occurrences of the keyword are found. TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_AuthorFilter_LastName.Caption = Surname TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_AuthorFilter_LastName.Hint = The filter is applied to surnames. TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_AuthorFilter_FirstName.Caption = First name TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_AuthorFilter_FirstName.Hint = The filter is applied to first names. TRM_WatermarkEdit_Filter_Author.WaterMark = Authors filter ... TRM_WatermarkEdit_Filter_Author.Hint = To filter authors, a keyword is entered here. TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_AuthorFilterOnOff.Hint = Switch filter on or off. Panel_addeditAuthor_RecCount.Caption = 6252 / 6260 Panel_Caption_addeditPublisher.Caption = - Add and edit publishers - Panel_addpublisher_programfocus.Caption = Publisher: Thematic focus Panel_addpublisher_expired_takenover.Caption = Publisher: Publisher end / takeover Panel_addpublisher_foundingyear.Caption = Publisher: Founding year Panel_addpublisher_name.Caption = Publisher: Name / Description Panel_addpublisher_location.Caption = Publisher: Location TRM_WatermarkEdit_addpublisher_location.WaterMark = Publisher: Location TRM_WatermarkEdit_addpublisher_location.Hint = The location where the publisher is based. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addpublisher_foundingyear.WaterMark = Publisher: Founding year TRM_WatermarkEdit_addpublisher_foundingyear.Hint = The year in which the publisher was founded. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addpublisher_name.WaterMark = Publisher: Name / Designation TRM_WatermarkEdit_addpublisher_name.Hint = This is preferably the name or designation of the publisher. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addpublisher_expired_takenover.WaterMark = Publisher: Publisher end or takeover name TRM_WatermarkEdit_addpublisher_expired_takenover.Hint = This is the publisher's end date or the publisher's takeover name. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addpublisher_programfocus.WaterMark = Publisher: Thematic focus TRM_WatermarkEdit_addpublisher_programfocus.Hint = Thematic focus of the publisher can be stored here- Paneladdpublisher_remarks.Caption = Publisher: Notes Panel_addpublisher_url.caption = Publisher: Website TRM_WatermarkEdit_addpublisher_url.WaterMark = Publisher: Website TRM_WatermarkEdit_addpublisher_url.Hint = A website matching the publisher can be entered here. Panel_addpublisher_save.caption = Add / change publisher Panel_addpublisher_save.Hint = Add or change publisher. Panel_addpublisher_clearfields.Caption = Empty fields Panel_addpublisher_clearfields.Hint = All fields are hereby cleared. Panel_addpublisher_emptytable.Caption = Delete publishers Panel_addpublisher_emptytable.Hint = All publishers can be deleted. This action cannot be undone. Panel_addpublisher_standard.caption = Read publishers ... Panel_addpublisher_standard.Hint = This can be used to read in a predefined list of publishers (as of 2024). Panel_help_nav_01.caption = General Panel_help_nav_01.Hint = Click here for general help and information about the application. Panel_help_nav_06.caption = Change author Panel_help_nav_06.Hint = Click here for information on changing author details. Panel_help_nav_05.caption = Add author Panel_help_nav_05.Hint = Click here for instructions on how to add a new author. Panel_help_nav_04.caption = Change book Panel_help_nav_04.Hint = Click here for information on changing books in the list. Panel_help_nav_03.caption = Add book Panel_help_nav_03.Hint = Click here for instructions on how to add a new book. Panel_help_nav_02.caption = Book list Panel_help_nav_02.Hint = Click here to get help on the book list, including navigation and functions. Panel_help_nav_07.caption = Add publisher Panel_help_nav_07.Hint = Click here for instructions on how to add a new publisher. Panel_help_nav_08.Caption = Change publisher Panel_help_nav_08.Hint = Click here for information on changing publisher details. Panel_help_nav_09.Caption = Settings Panel_help_nav_09.Hint = Click here to get help on the various setting options of the application. Panel_help_nav_10.Caption = Batch list Panel_help_nav_10.Hint = Click here for instructions and information on the batch list. Panel_Caption_help.Caption = - Help for the programme - Panel_regal_caption.Caption = Manage shelves Panel_regal_standard.Caption = Import standard shelves Panel_regal_standard.Hint = A list of shelves can be imported. Panel_regal_empty.Caption = Delete all shelves Panel_regal_empty.Hint = All shelves are deleted, this action cannot be undone. Panel_regal_add.Caption = Save shelf TRM_WatermarkEdit_regal_add.WaterMark = Enter new shelf name ... TRM_WatermarkEdit_regal_add.Hint = Please enter a new shelf name here. Panel_regal_edit.Caption = Rename shelf Panel_regal_delete.Caption = Delete shelf TRM_WatermarkEdit_regal_edit.WaterMark = Change a shelf name ... TRM_WatermarkEdit_regal_edit.Hint = Change a shelf name ... Panel_regalfach_caption.Caption = Manage shelves Panel_shelf_empty.Caption = Delete all shelves Panel_shelf_empty.Hint = Delete all shelves TRM_WatermarkEdit_shelf_add.WaterMark = Enter new shelf ... TRM_WatermarkEdit_shelf_add.Hint = Enter new shelf. Panel_shelf_add.caption = Add shelf Panel_regalfach_add.Hint = Add shelf compartment Panel_regalfach_edit.Caption = Rename shelf compartment Panel_regalfach_delete.Caption = Delete shelf compartment TRM_WatermarkEdit_shelf_edit.WaterMark = Change a shelf ... TRM_WatermarkEdit_shelf_edit.Hint = Change a shelf. Panel_Caption_addeditRegalFach.Caption = - Edit shelf and shelf compartment - Panel_BatchISBN_Result.Caption = Result of the online search Image_addBatch.Hint = This is the preview image. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_title.WaterMark = (title) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_title.Hint = This is the field for the book title. Panel_addbatch_caption_title.Caption = Title Panel_addbatch_caption_thumbnail.Caption = Preview image TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_thumbnail.WaterMark = (thumbnail link) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_thumbnail.Hint = The link of the thumbnail is displayed here. TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_addbatch_thumbnail.Hint = Include thumbnail in the online search Panel_addbatch_caption_price.Caption = Price TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_ListPrice.WaterMark = (price) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_ListPrice.Hint = This field contains the price of the book. TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_addbatch_price.Hint = Include the price of the book in the online search Panel_addbatch_caption_publishdate.Caption = Date TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_publishdate.WaterMark = (publication date) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_publishdate.Hint = This field contains the date of publication. TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_addbatch_publishdate.Hint = Include the date of publication in the online search Panel_addbatch_caption_publisher.Caption = Publisher TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_publisher.WaterMark = (Publisher) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_publisher.Hint = This is the field for the publisher. TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_addbatch_publisher.Hint = Include author in the online search Panel_addbatch_caption_author.Caption = Author TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_author.WaterMark = (author) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_author.Hint = This is the field for the author. TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_addbatch_author.Hint = Include book title in the online search Panel_addbatch_caption_pdf.Caption = PDF TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_pdf.WaterMark = (PDF file) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_pdf.Hint = Here is the link to the PDF file. TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_addbatch_pdf.Hint = Include PDF link in the online search Panel_addbatch_caption_epub.Caption = EPUB TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_epub.WaterMark = (EPUB file) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_epub.Hint = Here is the link to the ePUB file. TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_addbatch_epub.Hint = Include ePUB link in the online search Panel_addbatch_caption_preview.Caption = Preview link TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_preview.WaterMark = (preview link) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_preview.Hint = The preview link is displayed here. TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_addbatch_preview.Hint = Include the preview link in the online search Panel_addbatch_caption_webreader.Caption = Webreader link TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_webreader.WaterMark = (Webreader link) TRM_WatermarkEdit_addbatch_webreader.Hint = This field contains the web reader link. TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_addbatch_webreader.Hint = Include WebReader in the online search Panel_addbatch_caption_description.Caption = Description TRM_AutoSizeCheckBox_addbatch_description.Hint = Include description in the online search Label_SpinEdit_addBatch_ClearOnInvalid.Caption = Duration in milliseconds until input is accepted Label_SpinEdit_addBatch_RepeatRESTRequest.Caption = Maximum number of repetitions: Label_SpinEdit_addBatch_RepeatRESTRequest.Hint = The number of repetition attempts can be set here. CheckBox_addBatch_AddAll.Caption = Add all ISBN to the list CheckBox_addBatch_AddAll.Hint = If this option is selected, the ISBN number is not checked. This could increase the susceptibility to errors during the online query. CheckBox_addBatch_CheckDoubles.Caption = Prevent duplicate entries CheckBox_addBatch_CheckDoubles.Hint = Duplicate entries are avoided. CheckBox_addBatch_CheckInvalid.Caption = Detect incorrect ISBN CheckBox_addBatch_CheckInvalid.Hint = Incorrect ISBNs are not added to the list. CheckBox_addBatch_ClearAlways.Caption = Always clear input field after input CheckBox_addBatch_ClearAlways.Hint = The input field is always cleared after an input. CheckBox_addBatch_ClearOnInvalid.Caption = Delete incorrect ISBN CheckBox_addBatch_ClearOnInvalid.Hint = Incorrect ISBNs are automatically deleted from the input field after a while. This is very helpful when ISBN numbers are scanned in. CheckBox_addBatch_PlaySound.Caption = Play sound after adding new ISBN CheckBox_addBatch_PlaySound.Hint = A sound is played when a valid input is made. RadioButton_addBatch_SND1.Caption = Sound 1 RadioButton_addBatch_SND1.Hint = Sound 1 RadioButton_addBatch_SND2.Caption = Sound 2 RadioButton_addBatch_SND2.Hint = Sound 2 RadioButton_addBatch_SND3.Caption = Sound 3 RadioButton_addBatch_SND3.Hint = Sound 3 RadioButton_addBatch_SND4.Caption = Sound 4 RadioButton_addBatch_SND4.Hint = Sound 4 RadioButton_addBatch_SND5.Caption = Own sound (*.wav) RadioButton_addBatch_SND5.Hint = A customised signal tone in WAVE format can be selected here. CheckBox_addBatch_Focus.Caption = Always keep focus in the input field CheckBox_addBatch_Focus.Hint = After adding an ISBN number, the input field is reactivated. TRM_WatermarkEdit_addBatch_SND5.WaterMark = Select file ... TRM_WatermarkEdit_addBatch_SND5.Hint = A file can be selected here. CheckBox_addBatch_RepeatRESTRequest.Caption = Repeat reading on error CheckBox_addBatch_RepeatRESTRequest.Hint = If errors occur when processing the ISBN list (often timeout during the online query), an attempt is made to retrieve the corresponding ISBN again. Panel_BatchISBN_options.Caption = Settings Panel_Caption_addBatch.Caption = Automatic analysis of multiple ISBN numbers Panel_BatchISBN_list.Caption = No entries TRM_WatermarkEdit_BatchISBN.WaterMark = ISBN-10 / ISBN-13 TRM_WatermarkEdit_BatchISBN.Hint = ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 numbers can be entered here. Panel_BatchISBN_AddBooksToDB.Caption = Read all ISBNs Panel_BatchISBN_AddBooksToDB.Hint = All ISBNs are read into the database via online search. Panel_BatchISBN_AddBooksToDB_Stopp.Caption = Cancel import Panel_BatchISBN_AddBooksToDB_Stopp.Hint = The import can be cancelled. CheckBox_addBatch_ShowDetails.Caption = Show details and settings CheckBox_addBatch_ShowDetails.Hint = A field with details and settings is displayed. Image_addbatch_listclear.Hint = The list is deleted. Image_addbatch_listsave.Hint = Save the list of ISBN numbers to a file. Image_addbatch_listload.Hint = Load a list of ISBN numbers from a file. TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Book.LabelCaption = Books TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Book.Hint = Show book list with details TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_BookAdd.LabelCaption = Book + TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_BookAdd.Hint = Add individual books to the collection TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_BookAddBatch.LabelCaption = Book ++ TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_BookAddBatch.Hint = Add several books to the collection using ISBN TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_BookEdit.LabelCaption = Edit TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_BookEdit.Hint = Change currently selected book TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Author.LabelCaption = Author TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Author.Hint = Manage authors (change, add, delete) TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Publisher.LabelCaption = Publisher TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Publisher.Hint = Manage publishers (change, add, delete) TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Regal.LabelCaption = Shelf TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Regal.Hint = Manage shelves and shelf compartments (change, add, delete) TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_ShowDetail.LabelCaption = Details TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_ShowDetail.Hint = Show or hide detailed view TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Setup.LabelCaption = Setup TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Setup.Hint = Open settings to change programme settings TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Help.LabelCaption = Help TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Help.Hint = Help for the programme TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_About.LabelCaption = About TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_About.Hint = Information on the author and programme TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Exit.LabelCaption = End TRM_ImageLabel_Nav_Exit.Hint = Exit programme MenuItem_Head_Filter.Caption = Set Filer MenuItem_Head_Filter.Hint = (Heading) MenuItem_books_filter_name.Caption = Filter: Name MenuItem_books_filter_name.Hint = The filter is applied to the column (name). MenuItem_books_filter_author.Caption = Filter: Author MenuItem_books_filter_author.Hint = The filter is applied to the column (author). MenuItem_books_filter_borrow.Caption = Filter: Borrowed MenuItem_books_filter_borrow.Hint = The filter is applied to the column (Borrowed). MenuItem_books_filter_publisher.Caption = Filter: Publisher MenuItem_books_filter_publisher.Hint = The filter is applied to the column (publisher). MenuItem_Head_Print.Caption = Print & Export MenuItem_Head_Print.Hint = (Heading) MenuItem_nav_books_print_pdf.Caption = Save as PDF ... MenuItem_nav_books_print_pdf.Hint = The printout is saved as a PDF document MenuItem_nav_books_print_xls.Caption = Save as Excel/OpenDocument ... MenuItem_nav_books_print_xls.Hint = The printout is saved as an Excel/OpenXML document MenuItem_nav_books_print_html.Caption = Save as HTML ... MenuItem_nav_books_print_html.Hint = The printout is saved as an HTML document MenuItem_nav_books_print_direct.Caption = Without preview direct print MenuItem_nav_books_print_direct.Hint = The printout is made without preview (direct print) MenuItem_Head_ListBox_BiboData_Detail.Caption = Copy detail text MenuItem_Head_ListBox_BiboData_Detail.Hint = (Heading) MenuItem_ListBox_BiboData_Detail_CopyLine.Caption = Copy a single line to the clipboard MenuItem_ListBox_BiboData_Detail_CopyLine.Hint = Copy the current line to the clipboard. MenuItem_ListBox_BiboData_Detail_CopyAll.Caption = Copy everything to the clipboard MenuItem_ListBox_BiboData_Detail_CopyAll.Hint = Copy the entire text to the clipboard. MenuItem_Head_Details_DBMemo.Caption = Copy text MenuItem_Head_Details_DBMemo.Hint = (Heading) MenuItem_Details_DBMemo_CopyAll.Caption = Copy all to the clipboard MenuItem_Details_DBMemo_CopyAll.Hint = Copy the entire text to the clipboard. MenuItem_Head_BiboData.Caption = Book ... MenuItem_Head_BiboData.Hint = (Heading) MenuItem_DBGrid_BiboData_borrow.Caption = ... borrow MenuItem_DBGrid_BiboData_borrow.Hint = (Borrow book) MenuItem_DBGrid_BiboData_edit.Caption = ... edit MenuItem_DBGrid_BiboData_edit.Hint = (change book) MenuItem_DBGrid_BiboData_delete.Caption = ... delete MenuItem_DBGrid_BiboData_delete.Hint = (delete book) MenuItem_Head_TestMenu.Caption = - Test menu heading - testmenu1.Caption = Hello, I am a test menu testmenu2.Caption = This menu field can be switched on and off testmenu3.Caption = Above me is a fixed entry. Below me as well. testmenu4.Caption = And I am also a menu entry Huhuu1.caption = Huhuu :-) - I have another submenu item. MenuItem_Head_Submenu.Caption = - Submenu heading - testmenu5.Caption = number one testmenu6.Caption = number two testmenu7.caption = number three testmenu8.Caption = number four testmenu9.Caption = number five testmenu0.Caption = submenus end ;-) TRMLangString.Message_OK = OK TRMLangString.Message_OK = OK TRMLangString.Message_Cancel = Cancel TRMLangString.Message_Abort = Cancel TRMLangString.Message_Oops = Oje TRMLangString.sMSG_WriteError = Error when saving the settings. Exit anyway? TRMLangString.sBiboData_Delete_BookName = Book name: >%s< delete? TRMLangString.sFilterDialogTXT_01 = Text file TRMLangString.sFilterDialogTXT_02 = Any file TRMLangString.sVersion = Version TRMLangString.sLabel_About_03_AppAuthor = Created by TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Head_01 = General TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Head_02 = Book list TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Head_03 = Add book TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Head_04 = Change book TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Head_05 = Add author TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Head_06 = Change author TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Head_07 = Add publisher TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Head_08 = Change publisher TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Head_09 = Settings TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Head_10 = Read list TRMLangString.sHelp = %s


%s TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Main_01 =

How Bibo³ can help ..

The software is used to efficiently manage your home book collection. It allows you to add books in various ways, including online queries, entering book names and ISBNs.

  1. Managing publishers and authors:
  2. In addition to book management, you can also add and change publishers and authors. This enables comprehensive organisation of your library.
  3. Detailed settings:Adding books:
  4. You can easily add books by entering all relevant information, including ISBN, author, publisher and other characteristics.
  5. Organised book list:
  6. The book list provides a structured view of your collection with detailed information about each book. You can filter the display and even mark books on loan.
  7. Flexible customisation:
  8. The program offers a high degree of flexibility and freedom for the user to make adjustments and adapt the software to personal preferences.

TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Main_02 =

The book list ..

presents your entire book collection in a user-friendly Excel-like view. Here are the key elements:

  1. Overview:
  2. The book list is clearly laid out and presents all your books in a tabular view, similar to Excel.
  3. Displayed information:
  4. Each entry in the list displays important information about a book, including title, author, publisher, year of publication and location. These details provide a quick overview of your collection.
  5. Additional information when selected:
  6. By selecting a book, you can retrieve detailed information such as the exact location, a preview image of the cover and a text extract of the content. This function allows you to take a closer look at individual books.
  7. Lending status and details:
  8. The book list allows you to mark books that have been lent and shows details of who has borrowed the book, when it was borrowed and when it should be returned by.
  9. Filter options:
  10. The book list offers filter options to make it easier to keep track of books. For example, you can filter by author, publisher or lending status to search for specific books.
  11. User-friendly Excel view:
  12. The tabular Excel view enables easy navigation and provides an intuitive interface for managing your book collection. The book list acts as a central element of your book management by providing a comprehensive overview of your collection while making detailed information about each book accessible.

TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Main_03 =

Books can be added ..

and allows you to easily add new books to your collection. Here are the steps to add a book to the database:

  1. Get the basic information:
  2. Start by entering basic information such as title, author, publisher and year of publication. This data forms the basis for the book in your collection.
  3. Use ISBN or online query:
  4. Use the option to enter the ISBN to automatically retrieve further book details. Alternatively, you can use an online query to get information such as cover images and summaries.
  5. Add optional information:
  6. Add optional information as required, such as the exact location of the book, a preview image, or a text excerpt of the contents. These details can be displayed later in the book list.
  7. Mark lending status (optional):
  8. If you wish, you can mark the lending status directly when adding a book. This makes organisation easier, especially if you want to lend books.
  9. Saving the book data:
  10. After you have entered all the relevant information, save the book data. The book is now integrated into your collection and will be displayed in the book list.
  11. Link publisher and author:
  12. If the publisher or author does not yet exist in the database, you have the option of creating and linking them directly while adding the book.
The "Add book" function offers an uncomplicated method of adding new books to your collection. The integration of additional information enables detailed and organised management.

Books can be updated ..

and allows you to update existing book data and ensure that your collection is always up to date. Here are the steps to change a book:

  1. Select book:
  2. Select the book you want to edit from the book list.
  3. Display current details:
  4. Before editing, the current details of the selected book are displayed. This includes the title, author, publisher and any other relevant information.
  5. Make changes:
  6. Edit the desired information of the book. This could include the title, author, publisher, year of publication, location and other details.
  7. Add or update optional details:
  8. Add or update optional information such as the exact location of the book, a preview image or a text excerpt of the content, if desired.
  9. Update loan status (optional):
  10. If the book is on loan or you want to change the loan status, update accordingly. Mark the book as lent or reset the lending status if it has been returned.
  11. Link publisher and author:
  12. If desired, you can also create or link the publisher or author while editing a book if they do not yet exist in the database.
  13. Save the changes:
  14. After all the desired changes have been made, save the data to save the updates in the database.
The "Change book" function allows you to update the information of your books as needed to ensure that your collection is always correct and up to date.

Add authors ..

Enables you to easily enter author information for precise management of your book collection. Here are the steps to add a new author:

  1. Enter first name and surname:
  2. Start by entering the author's first name and surname. This basic information forms the basis for the new author entry.
  3. Indicate year and place of birth:
  4. Enter the author's year and place of birth to provide additional background information.
  5. Death information (if applicable):
  6. If the author is deceased, enter the year and place of death. This information and more enables comprehensive management of author information.
  7. Enter further details (optional):
  8. Add further optional information if required, such as special information about the author, funny anecdotes or trivial knowledge. This gives your collection a personal touch.
  9. Saving the author data:
  10. After you have entered all relevant information, save the author data to add the new author to the database.
  11. Optional linking to books:If books by this author already exist in the collection, the function offers the option of linking them directly while adding the author.
The "Add author" function allows you to precisely manage the author data of your books and at the same time add further information that enriches your collection.

TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Main_06 =

Editing authors ..

allows you to update existing author data and ensure that your collection is always accurate and up-to-date. Here are the steps to edit an author:

  1. Selecting the author:
  2. Select the author you want to edit from the list of existing authors.
  3. Display the current details:
  4. Before editing, the current details of the selected author are displayed, including first name, surname, year of birth, place of birth and any other available information.
  5. Make changes:
  6. Edit the desired information of the author. This may include updating the name, year of birth, place of birth or other details.
  7. Add or update optional information:
  8. Add or update optional information as needed. This could be special information about the author, funny anecdotes or trivial knowledge.
  9. Save the changes:
  10. After all desired changes have been made, save the author data to secure the updates in the database.
  11. Check links to books (optional):
  12. Check whether the author is linked to books in your collection and update the links if necessary to ensure they are correct.

Add publishers ..

Enables you to enter publisher information for comprehensive management of your book collection. Here are the steps to add a new publisher:

  1. Enter publisher name:
  2. Start by entering the name of the publisher. This is the basic information to add the new publisher to the database.
  3. Enter address and contact information:
  4. Add the publisher's address and contact information. These details can be useful to document the relationship with a particular publisher.
  5. Use optional note field:
  6. Use the note field to add free text information or special notes about the publisher. This provides additional space for individual notes.
  7. Saving the publisher data:
  8. After you have entered all relevant information, save the publisher data to integrate the new publisher into the database.
  9. Optional linking to books:
  10. If books from this publisher already exist in the collection, the function offers the option of linking them directly while adding the publisher.

TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Main_08 =

Changes to publishers ..

If you want to update the details of a publisher, the "Change publisher" function offers an easy way to do this. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the publisher:
  2. Select the publisher you want to edit from the list.
  3. Make changes:
  4. You can edit all the information about the publisher that is available when you create a new publisher. This includes name, address, contact information and all other relevant data.
  5. Use the note field:
  6. Use the note field to record additional information or comments about this publisher. For example, this could be internal notes or special agreements with this publisher.
  7. Save changes:
  8. After you have made the desired changes, save the data to ensure that the information about this publisher is up to date. With this function, you can ensure that your database always contains correct and up-to-date information on the various publishers in your book collection.

TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Main_09 =

Programme settings ..

The programme settings can be used to make extensive adjustments to the interface. Book management can be configured according to your preferences in just a few steps:

  1. Surface customisation:
  2. Customise the visual display of the software. This allows you to freely design the interface according to your wishes.
  3. Customise the fonts:
  4. Select your preferred fonts for grid columns, tooltips and other text elements. This setting provides detailed control over the text display throughout the application.
  5. More customisation options:
  6. Explore different settings that allow you to shape the software to your personal preferences. This could affect display options, behaviour settings or other details.
  7. Save customisations:
  8. After you have made your customisations, save the settings so that the program retains them for future sessions.

TRMLangString.sPanel_Help_Main_10 =

ISBN processing in the book management software (batch) ..

This function enables the automatic capture of book information using ISBN numbers.



ISBN entry:

Add ISBN and search online

If several ISBNs are to be searched for one after the other using an online query, this can be done via the list. The ISBNs are entered manually or, even better, with a barcode scanner. All entries can then be queried one after the other via online search and assigned to books.

If entries remain in the list, the scanning process can be repeated.

If required, the detail area and settings can be switched on specifically for this section and the settings are saved automatically when the programme ends.

TRMLangString.sMemo_About_04_AppLegalInfo_01 = This programme does not use any advertising. TRMLangString.sMemo_About_04_AppLegalInfo_02 = This programme does not use any tracking. TRMLangString.sMemo_About_04_AppLegalInfo_03 = Everything that is accessed via the Internet is subject to automated processing. The operator of the service can access personal data. Further information can be found on the operator's website. TRMLangString.sMemo_About_04_AppLegalInfo_04 = Corresponding links can also be found in the help. TRMLangString.Memo_About_05_AppCopyright_01 = Copyright TRMLangString.Memo_About_05_AppCopyright_02 = This program is subject to the following licence: TRMLangString.Memo_About_05_AppCopyright_03 = Further information can be found at: TRMLangString.Memo_About_05_AppCopyright_04 = https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ TRMLangString.sDatabase_Open_Error = Error opening the database! TRMLangString.Message_ISBN_NoISBN = You have not entered an ISBN in the search field. TRMLangString.Message_ISBN_NoURL = An error occurred while determining the Internet address. TRMLangString.Message_ISBN_NoItems = No entry was found in
the online database. TRMLangString.Message_NoDataToAdd = It is not necessary to add this
entry because no data
is available! TRMLangString.Message_EintragExistiert_Multi = There are several identical
entries. One can be
updated from the list. TRMLangString.Ask_P_OverWriteEntry_Regal = Should this shelf > %s < be overwritten? TRMLangString.Ask_P_OverWriteEntry_Shelf = Should this shelf > %s < be overwritten? TRMLangString.Message_Author_Caption = Authors TRMLangString.Message_Author_AddStandard_LongTime = Reading in the authors
may take some time.
Please be patient. TRMLangString.Message_Author_AddStandard_InProgress = Authors
are currently being read into the database. TRMLangString.Message_Author_AddStandard_Failed = An error has occurred.
An update may be available. TRMLangString.Message_Author_Filter_Failed = An error has occurred.
The filter could not be set. TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_ISBN_Count = Number of entries found: %d/%d [available entries: %d] TRMLangString.Panel_Addbook_ID = ID TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_Title = Title TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_Author = Author TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_Publisher = Publisher TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_PublishedDate = Year TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_PublishedPrice = Price TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_ISBN10 = ISBN-10 TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_ISBN13 = ISBN-13 TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_Description = Description TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_Thumbnail = Thumbnail TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_DownloadLink_epub = ePUB Download TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_DownloadLink_pdf = PDF Download TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_WebReaderLink = WebReader link TRMLangString.Panel_AddBook_PreviewLink = Preview link TRMLangString.Panel_BatchISBN_list_1 = Entry TRMLangString.Panel_BatchISBN_list_2 = Entries TRMLangString.Panel_addbook_image_add = Add image ... TRMLangString.Panel_addbook_image_edit = Replace image ... TRMLangString.Panel_addbook_image_remove = Delete image TRMLangString.sTRM_HTMLLabel_books_count = data set TRMLangString.Error_Last_error = - The following error occurred -\n\nError code: %d\n\nError message: %s TRMLangString.sPanel_BorrowRetrieve_Caption_borrow = Borrow book ... TRMLangString.sPanel_BorrowRetrieve_Caption_retrieve = Get book back ... TRMLangString.sModalResultBorrow_Cancel_Caption = Book hidden ... TRMLangString.sModalResultBorrow_Cancel_Message = The book was not borrowed. TRMLangString.sAddBorrow_Success_Caption = Book successfully borrowed TRMLangString.sAddBorrow_Success_Message = The book has been borrowed! TRMLangString.sAddBorrow_Error_Caption = Book not borrowed ... TRMLangString.sAddBorrow_Error_Message = An error occurred while borrowing! TRMLangString.sRemoveBorrow_Success_Caption = Book is back TRMLangString.sRemoveBorrow_Success_Message = The book has been returned TRMLangString.sRemoveBorrow_Error_Caption = Book not returned... TRMLangString.sRemoveBorrow_Error_Message = An error occurred during the return! TRMLangString.sModalResultRetrieve_Cancel_Caption = Return book ... TRMLangString.sModalResultRetrieve_Cancel_Message = The book was not returned. TRMLangString.sPublisher_Caption = Publishers ... TRMLangString.sPublisher_ReadDefaultLongTime = Reading in all publishers
takes a long time.
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